Success From Hidden Riches

Success from Hidden Riches can be yours when you ask yourself three questions.

"Who Am I?", "Why Am I?" and "What Am I?". Your success depends on your thought-filled answers and a determination to share your success with others when it is birthed.

You are made in the image of God.

You Are Special.

And you have an ability that will attract great riches.

You are a star and at birth received a unique skill.

It is your Super-Skill. Your life will take on new meaning as you discover the Super-Skill and begin sharing it.

You will attract the interest of the world when you begin to shine.

Stars always do.

In your shoes stands a highly skilled H.R.H. (Hidden Riches Harvester). You don't require years of schooling or approval from others. Right now you're perfectly equipped to make the best of life on earth.

Your special ability, your Super-Skill, is matched by a special assignment. Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, will allow you to access and use your Hidden Riches.

You need to, first, spend time lifting your level of self-awareness.

You can lift your awareness simply putting certain questions to yourself. You should not put these to loved ones. Only you know the true answers. Don't undervalue them because they are simple.

With a real desire burning in your heart ask, "Who Am I?", "Why Am I?" and "What Am I?"

The answers will surprise you.

Your birth was not a mistake nor an accident.

Your Heavenly Father made you for a special assignment here on earth. Nobody else can carry it out. Only you. Your purpose was known before you were conceived.

Wait patiently on the answers to your questions because you will come face to face with your assignment and every day will be filled with a joy unspeakable.

Copyright 2005 Kenneth Little