Teleseminars Strategies: Want Transcripts With That Teleseminar?

Teleseminars programs are are the number one most versatile method of building businesses available to consultants, authors, entrepreneurs, and marketing and training firms period. How can you maximize you teleseminar’s return on investment? This question was raised on Great Teleseminars newly launched blog “Daniel Janal’s Great Teleseminar Tips”,

One of the ways is to offer transcripts from the seminar. If you aren't offering your customers the opportunity to order transcripts of your teleseminars, you are missing out on a golden opportunity to increase your income by a big factor. Transcripts can add another $10-$100 dollars to your bottom line for each transcript ordered. If you have 100 people on a call and 20 people order the transcript at $15, that's another $300 in your pocket. The rates you charge should depend on the quality of your content (more for harder to find information) and the audience (more for corporate markets with site licenses).

What is a transcript?

Quite simply, it is a word-for-word printed account of your teleseminar. As we talk much more informally than we write, it is a good idea for you to clean your transcripts up for grammar and style. When you look at a seminar transcript, you might see that you've re-started sentences, stumbled over words, or have become redundant. By editing your transcript, you can make yourself sound masterful.

By editing your transcripts, you can also add other material that you forgot to include in the seminar. You might have great thoughts that come to mind, but you couldn't fit them into the live teleseminar. Now, you have the opportunity to add those gems to the transcript.

You can also add additional sales and marketing materials to the transcript to provide you with opportunities for additional income. Of course, any site you have mentioned during your talk will be a live hyperlink, so you should be sure to include your affiliate programs if they are relevant to the session.

How do you sell transcripts?

There are several ways to sell transcripts.

1. Offer the transcript as part of the initial ordering options.

2. Offer the transcript as an upsell after they order the seminar. This is what marketing guru Alex Mandossian calls the "Want fries with that" strategy. He reports a very high conversion rate when he offers the transcript on the up-sell page, or order confirmation page.

If your shopping cart doesn't have an up-sell page, I highly recommend using