The Power Of Vision

"Where there is no vision, the people perish ..." Pro.29:18

A vision is a dream, a divine idea or a revelation from God concerning a man's future. The main essence of man's existence is to have something he is living for and pursuing on a daily basis: a vision. A man without vision is one who lacks direction, sees progress in life as a challenge and he always ends up frustrated.

If we are all living for something, it will be for our own good. The future will become clearer and we will be filled with hope to attend to our everyday challenges. No matter what is happening to him presently, a man with a God-given vision is never bothered because there is a picture he is carrying about that no one else is sseing but himself. Vision has a lot of benefits that comes with it and a man that has one will always be a beneficiary.

Have you ever heard that, "a man who has soemthing to live for never dies?" If you have not, please read the story of Simeon in Luke2:25-29. Vision keeps people alive even if they are right off medically. There are stories of several people that battled death to a stand still just because they have something to live for. Vision also gives meaning to life. Just because you are in a place you know you were not meant to be, will not make your life worthless if you have a vision. You will understand that where you are going is better than where you are and you are only in such a position for a while. Even when others have lost hope, yours will be increasing with each passing day. When others are giving up, you are moving on.

Another importance of vision is that it bring discipline into our lives. People with vision and those without one are miles apart. If you have a vision, you will never waste your time on things that do not matter, you will always do something that will contribute to where you are going everyday. You will understand the value of time and the type of people you hang out with. Everyday when an antelope wakes up, it knows it has to outrun the fastest lion if it has to survive the day and the lion wakes up knowing fully well that if it doesn't run faster than the fastest antelope, hunger will be his lot for the day. This is the discipline that vision enforces on those who have vision. They just know they have to do something everyday to get to where they are going.

There is no way that you will have a vison that you won't get to your destination. This is IMPOSSIBLE! The life you will live after you have reached your destination will be far enjoyable than if you have no vision. The vision you have now, will determine where you will be in 5 or 10 years times. I learnt that we take more time in planning our wardrobe, parties and all other smaller things than we plan our future! This is incredible but TRUE! People can deliberate for hours on how they are going to dress to a party but rarely spend minutes to plan for their future! The main reason majority of us look to the future with fear rather than hope is because we have not taken time to plan our future. A visionless future will always be trepidating.

"The world stand aside to let those pass, who know where they are going." Do you know know where you are going? Do you have a plan for the next five years of your life? If the next five years comes, providing Jesus tarries, will you be happy with where you find yourself?

If you have never asked yourself where you want to be in years to come, there is no better time than now. Ask God to help you in reaching for a destination. He is always ready to reveal our future to us if only we can ask Him, Jer.33:3. I asked Him what he want me to do several years ago and he didn't fail me so He will NEVER fail you if you can but ASK!

Let me end with these wonderful quotes: "Life means little without purpose. Once his life aim is gone, man simply exists - he does not really live.

"Aspiration is the hand that points us the road that runs heavenward. As your vision is, so will your life be."

"When people have not decided their destination in life, any road can take them there. if you are not sure where you are going, then any road will take you there. determine where you want to go and be determined NOTHING will ever stop you from getting there!"

This is to your success.

Adebola Oni