The Secret to Getting Search Engine Traffic

The secret to getting the best search engine traffic is often known, but ignored. Many people are hyping new methods, spam bots, and the newest tricks to get more traffic. The best ways are usually the simplest ways. This is even more true in this case.

There is a way that with just investing a few hours of time you can get tons of backlinks from great websites, and lots of people to your website. It's doing what I'm doing right now. An article.

Yes, that's right, a simple article. A few paragraphs, and you're pretty far along. And the better you get at it, the more effective it is. The key to it is submitting it to many article directories. They absolutely love more content. This also gets you massive exposure.

Be absolutely sure to put a link to your website in the resource box. Without that, it won't work. This is how you are getting tons of high-ranked sites linking back to you. As a bonus, when people read the article, they will most likely visit your website. One single article can results in hundreds of quality backlinks.

Every search engine, especially Google, puts content at the top of its list. You are leveraging the power of all these websites from one article. Normally, as publishers and website owners can grab your article(fully, including links, etc) to use, each article directory site you submit it to can result in 10-20 backlinks almost immediately.

The hotter the topic, the more it gets picked up. If you submit to 100 directories, that's 1000-2000 backlinks. It's being done all the time, and I myself have done this, and it works. And the best part, it's all free!