Time To Get Organised

“If you've got something in your life that's not working, get it working or get it out of there.” (Unknown)

“The better organized you are in the simple things, the more spontaneous and free you can be in the more important things.” (Brian Tracy)

“The core personal productivity habit is neatness. Important tasks are not entrusted to messy people.” (Brian Tracy)

“What is the most important thing that you should do right now? It's easy to figure out the answer - the most important thing is usually the item you least want to do. So jump on it. Get it out of the way. Then go on to the next thing you don't want to do and get rid of that item by completing it. You'll be amazed at how it frees your spirit not to have them hanging over you.” (Tom Hopkins)

You dash to answer the phone and you have to scramble for a pen and paper to take a message.

In the morning you go to your wardrobe and you look at your ‘collection’ in despair.

It's tax time. You procrastinate because you dread having to go through those piles of paperwork in your office.

Friends turn up unexpectedly at your home or office. They're greeted with you doing a quit tidy instead of a hearty welcome.

Another reminder notice in the mail box to pay a bill that you had again misplaced or forgotten about.

You have just been introduced to someone new and they give you their business card. A week later you can't find their details.

Your diary looks more like a logbook of events gone by rather than a powerful structure to support your goals and dreams.

A piece of paper is handed to you, however you wish to attend to it later. It's put on the heap with the many others on your desk.

Are you exhausted after simply reading these scenarios? Let alone grappling with these niggly situations on a daily basis!

Spend a few minutes listing the things that you know are regular annoyances in your week. Go to work on brainstorming easy systems that attend to each of these simply, quickly and immediately.

Practice your new habits 2x a day for 21 days and they will forever be a part of your life. It all may feel strange to begin with and might even make you feel that this itself is an interruption. These sensations will pass. You will become quicker and less conscious of the action when you persist.

Make a start today. Set aside 10 x 3 min. blocks daily to begin making permanent changes to those little habits that cause irritation.

Is there a really organised person you know and admire? Ask them to support you by letting you in on some of the little tricks that work for them? Use a coach to fast track your organisational goals. Contact Thea at forwards@forwardsteps.com.au

There are many great books and resources for organising your home, office and life. Select new and simple low-cost ideas that you could put into effect immediately.

A couple great places to start are www.juliemorgenstern.com; www.organizedhome.com, and www.getorganizednow.com. Each of these sites also have idea exchanges where people swap solutions.

P.S. If you don't have time to get to all three, the Get Organized Now site is my favourite.