Time to Roll Up The Sleeves It's Time for a Workout (But This One Won't Take Long)

The step by step free workout routine you can do at home or in the gym. This workout routine is based on a system of using free weights and is suitable for women and men of all ages.

Here’s some tips to help you get started with this free workout routine.

Tips to Get Started

  • If you have never lifted weights, consult a professional trainer for more advice, or book an instruction session at your local gym.

  • Divide the body into different parts and ‘think’ about each part of your body as you are training – focusing is very important.
  • Always exercise the largest muscle groups first, such as your hips and upper legs, then move to your lower legs, upper torso, arms, abdominals and lower back.
  • The abdominals and back muscles are stabilizing muscles which help you to maintain correct form and should be exercised at the end of the session so that they are not fatigued too early.
  • When lifting a weight, breathe continuously throughout the movement. More experienced weight lifters will tend to breathe in at the start of the movement and exhale towards the end of the movement.
  • When lifting a weight, control the movement: take 2 seconds for the lifting movement, pause for one second, then 4 seconds for the lowering movement.
  • Concentrate on maintaining good form — use a mirror to see that your body is aligned correctly.
  • Limit strength training sessions to one hour in length — no more.
  • Don’t do strength training sessions on consecutive days unless you work different muscle groups in each session, e.g. arms on Monday; legs on Tuesday.

If you’re interested in getting some weight-training equipment at home, start with something simple and inexpensive. A basic weight-training bench and a set of light dumbbells can help you exercise practically every body part. These items don’t have to be expensive, however they do need to be comfortable to use.

Your Free Workout Routine

Here’s a free workout routine of exercises using this equipment that will take about 25 minutes and get you on the road to good health.

Start with the lightest weight and do 3 sets, 10 – 12 repetitions each, gradually increasing the weight with each set if you can manage. For the first couple of weeks, however, you might want to just get used to using a light weight without increasing.

  1. Warm up
    An exercise bike (or recumbent bike), stair/jogging machine or rowing machine are ideal for warming up and working out and can be used as a workout on their own. If you decide to look into either of these, make sure you get something that is good quality. I prefer to use a rowing machine because it burns more calories and works more muscles than other forms of exercise.
  2. Chest: Lying ‘chest flies’
    Lie on the bench on your back with your legs on the ground. Lie on the bench with the dumbbells in each hand and your palms facing towards the ceiling. Begin with your arms stretched out to the side and slightly bent, as if you’re hugging a tree! Keeping the arms in that same angle, bring them up to the centre (directly above your chest) and back down.
  3. Back: Bend-over rowing
    Lean on the bench with one hand and with your back at a 45% angle. Pick the weight up with your other hand; bring the weight up to your chest with a rowing motion, so your elbow is high.
  4. Shoulders: Standing shoulder presses
    Start with the weights in each hand, palms facing outwards or forwards, weights at shoulder level. Extend and push the weights upwards in one movement and then back down to the shoulders.
  5. Biceps: Standing or sitting bicep curls
    Stand with the dumbbells in each hand with your palms facing forwards and fully extended. Bring the weights up towards your shoulders keeping your elbows beside your body.
  6. Triceps: Seated tricep extensions
    Hold the weights in each hand and raise them to the air, with your thumbs racing the rear and then bend your arms so the weights are lowered towards your shoulders. Or you can do bench dips: Turn your back to the bench. Place your hands on the edge of the long side of the bench and gently raise and lower your body. Your legs are used to support your body weight too.
  7. Legs: Squats
    Holding the dumbbells and standing with your legs shoulder width apart, bend your knees until they’re at 45%, keeping your back straight, and then up again.
  8. Calves: Calf raises
    Begin by standing with the dumbbells in each hand and gently rise up on your toes and back down again.
  9. Stomach: Abdominal crunches
    Lie on the floor with your legs over the bench. Place your hands on both side of your head and raise the top half of your body off the ground towards the bench.

Other Workout Routines

Another excellent type of free workout routine you can do is yoga and exercises involving a fit ball. These two types of exercises are for core strength (and of course there is a lot more to yoga than just the physical exercise).

Core strength exercises have been developed for strength and overall muscle support for exercise and sporting activities of any type. Developing your core strength is important to prevent injuries. It is also a low impact way to really get a strong work-out. You can also do them both from the comfort of your own home.