To All Blog Owners, Techies and Geeks

Have been to your sites and seen the little “DONATE” button. Are you cyber-begging?

You see, many of you shun the entrepreneurial types. They must be after money, and either you won’t give it to them, or you have to, because they have something you want…, and you may not even like them.

By the same token, you enslave yourselves to Google’s adsense, making your blog overcrowded with other people’s calls for your visitors bucks, whether qualified or not, and giving them an immediate exit from your contents in order to WHAT? To become part of Google’s FedEx club (Paychecks of $10,000 delivered to the door).

So there, you install that little “Donate” button on your own site, wait and hope… for MONEY; isn’t that what you are doing?

Two days ago, I have been accused of having a fake blog, being called a splogger by ‘fellows’ from the WP forum (podz Support Maven; mikep Member), who preferred to call me names rather than answering a help request of mine “Why my images do not show on the links in WP, with URLs qualified”. However, my blog supplies any visitor with carefully chosen and sometimes priceless information. If I get a commission, I eat, and then I can continue researching on behalf of any blogger’s time and money savings, investing my valuable time; something you won’t have to do.

In the process, I have also helped the visitor who did otherwise not know about the software, the innovator who thought it out and has to be remunerated for it, and the payment processor, affiliate system provider providing the bandwidth. In short, my action was a 4-fold benefit, apart from the fact that it brought a DIRECT result for my activity.

Did your source (maker, creator) give you your brain to hope and wait, or to have an idea that compels your site visitors to hand over their buck right now? Are you in charge of who’s right and who’s wrong, or supposed to be a fellow human?

I find that many people with active online presence are extremely judgmental, policing others. They seem to be unaware that EVERYTHING one thinks, says, or does backfires on oneself like knocking ones own head with a hammer. Will they, someday, get it that one cannot hurt another, for what’s supposedly ‘wrong’ with the other is a REFLECTION of God’s (your inner) image?

So, they keep smashing the mirror, and for some reason, the person, or cause of reflecting what bothers doesn’t go away…

All this has been answered by a strong, silent type, a man of few words, Jesus The Christ. He did not tell us to sit, wait and hope, but to be profitable, take oil in the lamp, ask, seek and knock – most importantly NOT to judge. He is not a weird eccentric in cloak and sandals, but the only being on earth with a 100% applied understanding of wisdom, and His instructions are SCIENTIFIC & exacting.

Regardless of whether you believe in wisdom (oil), or just remain ignorant of its practicality, entrepreneurship is when one desperately looks for answers until they are found, and NOT to sit on a “Throne” in the self-imposed spiritual basement.

I have also been to the How-to corporation’s forum, and found that the forum monitor ridicules his visitors… Good business?

My point is, if you want money, do something creative to get it. That’s ‘knocking’. BTW, money is a symbol for flow, or bottleneck in the mind.

Spiritual entrepreneurship differs from all else by having the best of humanity at heart and never deviating from it by listening to the ‘majority’, or through ‘democracy’ (same thing). Spiritual truth is based upon Theocracy, the authority of the highest, most abstract idea, put into practice and superseding everything else.

Only those, who ‘see & do’ (understand spiritual law & principle and enact it) can be great in the kingdom… What’s the kingdom? Find…

This was today’s hot air coming from an OiB.

EzineArticles Expert Author Ina Bliss