Tomato Sauce Added to Your Diet Can Prevent Prostate Cancer Later

Men seldom want to talk about prostate cancer, it is a real problem and they should be getting regular yearly screening and know about those things they can do to reduce their risks. There have been many studies, which indicate overwhelmingly that eating tomatoes is a very excellent way to reduce your risks of prostate cancer. Having chips with salsa is very good, as salsa is made with tomatoes as its major ingredient. Growing tomatoes in your garden, fresh and natural is an extremely good idea as well. Plant a few tomato plants in your garden this week and add them to sandwiches, salads and other meals. Tomatoes are very easy plants to grow and no garden should be without at least one or two tomato plants.

Working in your garden can also give you the sunlight you need as well which helps prevent prostate cancer. Scientists believe that Vitamin D is the reason for reduced prostate cancer. So a little sun growing your tomatoes maybe the one-two punch you need. If you are looking for a one-two-three punch add fish oil to that diet. This will help reduce your risk of prostate cancer, of course you would be smart to get yearly screening, because that is the best way to catch it in case you do get it and treat it early on. Fortunately prostate cancer is not the killer it once was, but you have to get screening in order to stop it. Think on these things and do your own research.

EzineArticles Expert Author Lance Winslow