Want to Learn How to Compost?

In the past composting was a word or term that was hardly heard of let alone practiced. In most cases composting was mainly limited to certain types of small scale farmers. However in recent years this has changed rather dramatically. Many people do not understand why this change has come about or what all the fuss is really all about.

Firstly by recycling the organic waste of a household into compost we dramatically cut down on the garbage going into landfills. This plays a major role in taking care of our delicate environment and limiting the great damage which mankind has already done against it.

Secondly it is important to realize that composting has taken centre stage because the waste being generated today has changed both rapidly and dramatically over the last few decades. Our garbage has changed not only in terms of volumes generated by households but also in its greatly increased potential to be harmful and destructive to the delicate balance of nature.

For example in 1960 the average American generated about 2.7 pounds of waste per day. Today that figure has grown to 4.8 pounds a day. To realize the full impact of this figure one just needs to multiply the significant increase by the number of households in America. You will quickly realize that an increase of just a tiny fraction of a pound per household usually ends up dramatically increasing the total waste generated and more importantly the potentially deadly waste to the environment.

It is also true that composting has become much more important because waste has become increasingly harmful to the environment over the years. Just to give one example. In the 1960s PCs and computers in general had hardly been invented let alone become a part of almost every aspect of modern living. This means that stuff like computer parts and accessories are regularly trashed. Materials such as this can not be composted but parts of them can be recycled.

One of the most effective ways of reducing the impact of increased organic waste is composting. If a majority of households can embrace the benefits of composting their household garbage, then a potential hazard can be turned into an extremely useful byproduct which can have a positive impact on all agro-related activities, both on a small scale and a larger scale.