Ways to Investigate Hair Loss

There are many reasons why you can be losing your hair. There are many causes of hair loss that include stress, poor diet, ALOPECIA or genetically related. Male pattern baldness is a popular term used where you can see a man's hairline go back. Often experts state that this is an inherited state. How this begins is often with a receding hairline and thinning on the top of the head. Depending on the severity of hair loss, there are definitely treatments out there.

Certain types of medicine are known to slow down the process and even help with some form of hair re-growth. Often this is in the form of MINOXIDIL or Rogaine which is applied to the scalp and get be bought with a prescription. It is normal to lose approximately 50 to 100 hairs per day. What makes hair interesting is the rate at which it grows. There are three phases of growth. One of the phases is ANAGEN- this is where the hair actually grows. CATAGEN phase is shorter about two to three weeks when the hair stops growing. Finally the third phase is TELOGEN when the hair is resting. A follicles resist to DHT they say is genetic - thus why some people go bald and others do not. Hair loss prevention can begin with proper nutrition. You definitely want to absorb the right foods, vitamins and minerals to help you keep your hair shiny. There have been reports and tips on just washing your hair a few times a week to allow the natural oils in your body to stay there. They say proper brushing will allow you to strengthen up your existing hair.

Doctors believe that excess DHT is an apparent cause of hair loss The causes of hair loss aren't well defined; however, researchers have uncovered that men with male pattern hair loss have increased levels of DHT in the balding area of their scalps. Individual hair usually follows a cycle of expansion, falling out, and new expansion. However increased levels of DHT are believed to contribute to the shortening of the expansion phase and a shortening of the time it takes for the hair to fall out. This results in thinning of the hair on the scalp. There are things that you can do to prevent or stop hair loss. First of all, get some help via knowledge and research.