We Want It and We Want it Now!

Inherent power is something we all possess and indeed, we grow into it as we become more aware of its existence and it's voice. It is a process. It's interesting to me just how many people will leap to embrace their power in an external fashion, claiming in a loud, booming voice that they have rights, when they avoid or deny the existence of the inner work needing to be done to truly claim that power within.

What does our inner power look like? It’s a feeling of security, knowing who you are and being confident in that knowledge. Our inner power is built upon a secure foundation, built from clarity, conscious awareness and oneness with all life. Insecurity and a sense of false confidence is built upon rickety emotional patterns, family dysfunction and co-dependency. It is this sort of false power that many people cling to. It’s apparent in the people who are demanding, craving attention and like to exhibit power over others. This false sense of security, from a rickety foundation is what we are left holding onto when we operate with a ‘drive thru’ mentality.

We are a society of instantaneous results. We want a 'pill' to make it all better, we want our food already made for us at the drive up window and we want our power to be instant. We don't want to do any work to get it- just hurry up and 'hand it to me' on a silver platter. Going at hyper speed and living in the future does not foster a sense of empowerment. It throws us into the future, always speeding to stay ahead of the quiet voice within. Think about our society of fast food joints, caffiene addictions and super highways. If you're going too fast you'll speed right by the exit and miss out on your destination. Do you really think you can order self confidence with a side of fries and a diet soda?

Empowerment is a process and requires a commitment from within. Slowing down and being at one with your inner voice is a good place to start. Experiencing the success of responsible choices, means taking the bull by the horns and owning responsibility for our actions and choices. It also means owning our power, our true power- not the drive-thru instant facsimile. True power is calm and peaceful. It radiates from within the center of our being, emmitting a feeling of contentment and love. Think about this the next time you go to the drive up window to order your coffee.

Are you going at hyper speed avoiding your inner voice and living with insecurity? Or are you calm, centered, content and secure as you wait in line behind the SUV in front of you?

© 2005 Jodie Foster

EzineArticles Expert Author Jodie Foster