Wedding Music: Before, During, and After

Whenever you think of wedding music, you automatically think of the wedding march and other traditional types of wedding music accompaniments. Whilst a large majority of people still opt for the traditional wedding music ideas, there is a new breed of weddings that is enjoying the power of music.

Traditional Wedding Music for the Ceremony

Wedding music is an absolute essential part of a wedding ceremony. Traditionally, music is played before the bride arrives and whilst the bride walks down the aisle. This music depends largely on the type of ceremony; with a traditional church based ceremony, the music is likely to be from an organ or keyboard.

With a more modern style ceremony, brides often favor popular music that holds some special memories for the wedding couple. Popular music also allows guests to have something to listen to (or even sing along with) whilst they are waiting for the actual ceremony.

Wedding Music – Enhancing Your Day

Wedding music should be an enhancement of your day and not simply something that has to be in the background. Consider your theme and try to select wedding music that will go along with this theme.

Go for shock tactics. Wedding music can really help you to make certain parts of your day stand out. Use light background music for the calmer times, with louder more jazzy wedding music for the times that you want to grab your guests’ attention.

Wedding Music – Ideas Out of the Ordinary

The latest trend in wedding music is to have live performances. Bands playing in a wedding reception are not really a novel idea, however live music during the ceremony and during the meal is both new and innovative. If you select live wedding music, then it is worth opting for something such as a harpist so that the volume is not distractingly loud.

During the wedding reception, it is quite normal to see a traditional disco, but many brides are now keen to avoid the standard disco offerings and look for new and different ideas for entertaining their wedding guests. Why not have a disco that moves through the years of the couple’s relationship, from the song that was playing when they first met to the song that was playing the night before the wedding, this is a great way of maintaining interest in the wedding music, throughout the evening.

Wedding music can also be participatory, such as line dancing or karaoke. However, make sure that your guests will appreciate your efforts, there is nothing worse than a karaoke with no-one taking part!

Wedding music is a real opportunity to stamp your own mark on your wedding day, so pay careful attention to this important part of your big day!