What Games Do You Enjoy?

Isn’t it amazing how many games we played as a child? How many of us spent our days chasing other kids in a game like tag? Or, maybe we used to play board games at Grandma’s house. Games can be a great way to connect with people you love and enjoy life at the same time. In the world we live in, playing games can be anything from tag to high tech computer games. But, one thing is still certain. Playing games can bring a bond to a family like little else can.

All of us are busy. Rushing here and rushing there. We get home and we are tired. But, instead of flipping on the TV and watching our hours pass empty, why not fill them with a game? How many people spend a couple hundred dollars on board games and outside toys each year for our children? The holidays always offer such good deals that we snatch up a few new ones or those that have been torn apart throughout the year. Nevertheless, we have good intentions of playing them. Maybe we even pick out a family game night? But, things get so wrapped up that we get too busy.

Why not set aside some time, just one night a week for games? Get down on the carpet and play a video game with your child. Do you even know what is on them? How cool would your child think you were if you let him or her teach you how to play? Why not head outside after dinner for a game of basketball? A little one on one time to talk about school or friendships is so beneficial to a growing child. Or, why not call up a friend you haven’t seen in a few months (or longer) and set up some time for a card game or two?

If you don’t think you have time for all of this, why not venture out and find a few computer games you enjoyed when you were younger. Instead of surfing the net, you could play a game with a good friend online. Chat while you play. In fact, there are online games that can be just as enjoyable that you can spend playing with your online buddies. Whatever you do, make time to play games. Reconnect with friends and family you have just not had time for. Have fun while you do it by playing a few games. You’ll enjoy the time you spend reuniting with them and the joy of winning a few games against them as well!