Who Needs God?

This article was written to help everyone discover the restless desire they have, even if they don’t know that it is for their God. Please publish it liberally to spread the good news. Number of words in article body: 709.

You say that your getting along fine by yourself and you don’t need God. You are making a good living; you have a nice family and lots of friends. You are a leader and a go-getter and recognized as a pillar in your community. You don’t need to be bothered with going to church and all the restrictions placed on Christians.

You think that the book called the Bible is nothing but a fairy tale. You believe that science has proved most of the Bible false anyway.

Who needs God? Everybody needs him, including you. You may do well financially and socially but that’s not all there is to life. Everyone has a physical part and a spiritual part. There is a desire within everyone to relate to their spiritual side, even if they are unaware of it. Those who have an endless desire for pleasure, wealth, or power are searching for something to fill the empty place inside them. They don’t realize that they are really searching for God.

Ever since the beginning of time mankind has worshiped a higher being. Some people worship the stars, and other celestial things. Some worship God. In reality whatever you hold the most high in your heart is your god.

You say that you don’t need God. In that case you have become your own god. Everyone worships something. It may be money, pleasure, sex, or something else, but these things are actually substitutes for God. They will be restless and unsatisfied until they discover their God.

Christianity is not a bunch of rules; it’s a way of life. Everything God wants us to do is for our own good and happiness.

It is continually being proved that Scripture is true. The paths of the sea were discovered because a seaman found a passage in the Bible about them. The walls of Jericho have been found. They fell outward from the inside. The Bible says they fell down. They were not pushed down. This proves the story is true. The Bible is geographically correct. When the text indicated they went down to a certain location, they went down a hill. If it is said, they went up it means they went uphill. Hundreds of things that happened in the New Testament were foretold in the Old Testament, some, thousands of years before they happened. This proves that a higher intelligence inspired what is in the Bible.

Things may be going well with you now. What happens when your health fails? What if you lose your job or your business goes under? Everyone has times when they realize they don’t have an answer for their situation. You desperately need someone bigger than you that you can lean on. The Lord has all knowledge and never makes a mistake. He has promised to make things turn out for the good of those that love and obey him.

It is not in man to direct his own steps (JER10: 23 ). Our creator gave us intelligence and many abilities and we also received a soul that is not complete without help from above. You may ignore your spiritual side but you will never satisfy the restless feeling within you. In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps (PR 16:9). You are mistaken if you think you are running your own life. You can’t even think about your next move without direction from above. The Lord knows what you are going to think before you think it.

You may be going your own way and accumulating many things. One day you are going to face the grim reaper. What good are physical treasures then? Even if you go into eternity without the Lord’s blessing, do you want your children to follow you to suffer forever? The Bible says that the Lord will punish everyone with everlasting destruction who does not obey the gospel of the Lord (2TH 1:8-9).

Since the Lord is already directing your steps, why not cooperate with him? Confess the name of Jesus and be baptized in his name. Let him make everything happen for the best. Convince your spouse and children to follow you so that you can all be together in heaven.