Why Include Teambuilding at Your Staff Appreciation Events?

Many organizations are now successfully including teambuilding activities at their staff appreciation events because the payoff is so huge.

In this article you will find:

* Top 10 Reasons to include Teambuilding Activities at your Holiday Staff event

* The Do's of Teambuilding Activities

* The Don'ts of Teambuilding Activities

* How to get it Happening

Top 10 Reasons to include Teambuilding Activities at your Holiday Staff event

* It helps reserved people feel more comfortable about interacting.

* It helps new people feel more included.

* It allows people from different areas of work to get to know each other.

* It can break up silos and humanize a competitive working environment.

* It helps people see each other as people rather than as task machines.

* It creates an atmosphere of goodwill where open communication can thrive.

* It dissolves tension so people don?t feel like they need to drink as much.

* It helps people feel part of a community or family.

* It can improve employee retention and lessen absenteeism.

* It can turn the whole event from boring to fun instantly.

The Do’s of Teambuilding Activities

* Choose activities that are low risk and that honor people?s comfort zones.

* Make it voluntary but attractive to participate in.

* Organize it so that people get around to as many different people as possible.

* Choose a pro who knows how to respectfully break the ice, build a sense of team, and keep them laughing.

* Allow people from all levels of the organization to meet and greet the bosses?it can go a long way to building employee loyalty.

The Don'ts of Teambuilding Activities

* Choose high risk activities that end up being an ?ice-maker?.

* Force people to participate.

* Set it up so that the same people keep interacting.

* Assign an inexperienced facilitator.

* Allow people to sit on the sidelines and watch, it can make people who are participating uncomfortable.

* Exclude upper management.

More Ideas

For an article on "Surviving the Holiday Office Party" go to http://management.about.com/cs/yourself/a/SurOffParty1200.htm

For a free list of teambuilding activities go to http://www.businessballs.com/teambuildinggames.htm

How to Get it Happening

If you want to be thanked for putting on an awesome Holiday Event this year, call a pro to do the teambuilding.

Carla Rieger has 17 years experience working with groups between 10 and 3000 people. She is one of the best in Canada at turning a group of strangers into a bonded community.