You've Been Dumped Part 2

In July I wrote an article entitled: “Dumped? Get set for new life.”

In that article I stressed the importance of avoiding all contact with your ex if you find yourself dumped. I opined the importance of doing so if you ever want to recover, heal your broken heart and become desirable again.

A dear friend came to me recently and told me of a story so horrific illustrating the importance of breaking all contact, that I thought I would share it with you.

Flashback - 2003.

My friend was involved in a very passionate relationship. He was deeply in love and thought he had found his “true love.”

Unfortunately, one day it came to a unexpected end. He was heart-broken, lost and looking for answers. My friend is an ambitious, loving and caring guy and when the hammer fell on his relationship he sunk into a deep depression.

His girl at the time had just moved in a few months prior to the break-up and despite my pleas to rid her from his life, he continued to live with her afterwards.

She stated: “She thought he was a fantastic guy and wanted to remain friends.”

Can you imagine the torment?

He didn’t want to lose her, unfortunately, he didn’t realize he already had.

The tumultuous living arrangement lasted a couple of months, then on one fateful day he took her dog for a walk while she was “supposedly” at work. Upon his return he walked in on her “entertaining”.

Life grinded to a halt for him on that day. For the months that followed he walked around in a cloud - a broken man.

Afterwards, it took him a long time to wipe the heart-ache and images from his mind and to be able to finally cope with life again.

Fast-forward - Summer 2005

He had fallen in love again. Once again he was unexpectedly dumped. This time however, he heeded my advice and tried to break free. No more sleeping in the same bed. No more nightly dinners. Well - not entirely, he did continue to profess his love, and he tried to keep in touch on a nightly basis - a gigantic, NO - NO.

By doing so you simply lessen the chances of ever rekindling lost love. After-all, right or wrong the dumper, dumped for a reason. And by keeping in touch, you only set yourself up for more heartache. As long as you “pine”, your questions will no longer be answered to your liking.

1. What are up to? 2. Want to get together tonight? 3. I love you? Wait - that’s not a question, quit being so needy.

Face reality 99.9% of………….

(to be continued)

Part 2 of this article will be posted once Part 1 recieves 500 views.